Theragun Gym Cart Mini

  • Gamintojas Theragun
  • Artikulas GYM-MINI-RACK-UK
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  • Gamintojas Theragun
  • Artikulas GYM-MINI-RACK-UK
  • Sandėlyje: 0
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Theragun Gym Cart Mini

Make the recovery area the point of attraction in your club with smart technology from Theragun.
Theragun CART - a rack for the studio or the gym.
The Theragun rack combines a convenient storage system with an aesthetic appearance. The back of the rack can be branded and used as a partition for the Recovery area.

Why Gym Cart?




Additional revenue

Create more revenue streams

through new services, device rentals

and retail sales.

Customer loyalty

Drive greater customer loyalty and

retention with Theragun's innovative

recovery technologies.


Enhance your coaching skills

through TherabodyUniversity (USA)

certification courses.

Broaden members base

Attract more new clients by offering

unique services that differentiate you

from the competition.


Theragun GYM CART Features


New revenue streams for your business

Theragun's Recovery Zone and unique products will open up additional revenue streams for your club:

1) Create a new line of training and group recovery classes with Theragun percussion massagers and massage cylinders.

2) Draw additional attention to an existing service. Massage or personal training with Theragun takes the customer experience to a whole new level.

3) Create a retail shop and earn by selling equipment to club customers.

4) Customise the equipment and make it a promotional element of the club.

Happy clients are loyal customers

The Recovery Zone is a level of service and health care that members are sure to appreciate.

Theragun percussion therapy helps to recover faster after physical exertion, which means that clients can train more often and more effectively.
Being able to relieve body fatigue and take care of muscle health after a workout is something that will give a positive experience every time you visit the club.
Having a recovery area is an added competitive advantage for your club that will help attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Education for the trainers

Train the trainers with world leaders in the field of percussion therapy
Upgrade your coaching staff with official certification courses using original programmes from Therabody University (USA). Seminars for fitness professionals, physicians and licensed massage therapists, as well as provide private training for fitness club staff are available online and offline.

The signature Theragun Performance Specialist certification course contains all the percussion therapy knowledge and skill base necessary for successful trainers.

What makes Theragun the best choice for the club?

Self-care is one of the top fitness trends of recent years and it is becoming increasingly popular. The pandemic has made conscious care of body and well-being the centre of attention, which is why more and more customers prefer clubs with additional self-care tools. The recovery zone with Therabody is a place where you can use specialised massage equipment to prepare your muscles for training and relieve fatigue after physical exercise - on your own or under the guidance of a trainer.



Where to locate for specific effect?



Members with premium Recovery membership can checkout a Theragun for use.

Non-premium members can checkout Theragun but pay for an allotted time.


Offer self application tools for your members in the recovery area on the main gym floor.

Before Activity: preparation for exercise, training, rehab, physical activity.

After Activity - to maximize recovery.


Place Theraguns and Rollers next to your free weights area for active recovery between sets.

During Workout - Maintain output/preparation

  • Promotes recovery between exercises
  • Prepare certain muscle groups for subsequent exercise/training


Dedicate an entire class to restorative well-being or integrate Theragun into other class programming.

Pre-created Group Class Content

  • 15 Minute Recovery Class
  • 30 Minute Recovery Class

Integration into Existing Classes

  • Pre Class Activation
  • In Class Reactivation
  • Post Class Recovery



What’s Included and extras ?






- Includes 4 Theragun PRO’s units + wireless chargers for each
- Includes 2 WaveRollers + wireless multi-device chargers for each
- Additional Shelf to hold towels and disinfectant wipes
- 56cm (W) x 107cm (H) x 38cm (D)
- Standard wall outlet needed

- Magnetic strap with QR codes for how-to video instructions and direct purchase


Therabody - pasauliniai raumenų masažo terapijos prietaisų lyderiai, skirti efektyviam apšilimui prieš treniruotę arba atsigavimui po treniruotės, taikant giluminę raumenų terapiją, vadinamą perkusine terapija. Therabody sujungė išsilavinimą, naujoves ir patirtį, kad sveikatingumas taptų prieinamesnis visiems. Theragun yra vienas iš gaminių, kuris yra savaip unikalus, skirtas visiems giluminiams audiniams ir atstatantis raumenis daug greičiau nei visi kiti rinkoje esantys variantai. Kitas gaminys - Wave serijos voleliai, vibruojantys voleliai, skirti giliesiems audiniams. O naujausias Therabody gaminys - Recovery Air kelnės, kurios padeda sportininkams greičiau atsigauti naudojant oro srautą, derinamą su slėgio serijomis.

Theragun rinkoje veikia daugiau nei 13 metų, todėl yra seniausias ir labiausiai patyręs prekės ženklas visame pasaulyje. Per daugybę skirtingų dizainų, naujovių ir nesėkmių jie atrado geriausią sprendimą giliųjų audinių skausmui mažinti - Theragun, privalomas perkusinio masažo prietaisas.

Therabody programėlė gauna informaciją apie jūsų aktyvumą ir elgesį realiuoju laiku, integruojasi su Apple Health ir Google Fit ir rekomenduoja asmenines sveikatingumo procedūras, kurias galima atlikti mūsų Bluetooth® įrenginiuose.

Kadangi Jūsų poreikiai nuolat kinta, mes ir toliau diegsime naujoves.

Therabody Catalogs: can be found here

Įkūrėjas: Dr. Jason Wersland    Pagrindinė būstinė: Los Angeles, USA     Prekės ženklas: Įkurtas 2008 m


gamintojo atstovas

nuo 2018



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Mūsų komanda

Andrej Zamaro
Andrej Zamaro
Ambicingas ir nuoseklus detalėms. "Manau, kad klientai yra svarbiausia bet kurio verslo dalis."

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